Mary Silverwood (1932-2011)


"After decades of painting the golden hills, redwoods, fir and pine of Sonoma County, California, I was ready to find some new motifs. A visit to New Mexico in the late 1980s offered everything I was looking for, and I returned every year, finally moving here with the new millennium. I find the high-desert landscape endlessly fascinating. The great configurations of mountains, arroyos, mesas, ravines and compacted vegetation against the azure sky are powerful, and I have drawn strength from them."  

( full bio ) (selected press)

Joyce Robins, representing the Estate of Mary Silverwood


I started representing Mary Silverwood when I opened my gallery in Santa Fe in 1996.  Over the years we became dear friends.  When Mary died in December of 2011, she wished that I continue to pass on her legacy - her artwork - to collectors.  It is a privilege to still represent her work!  She is a nationally-recognized master in the art of pastel!

I feel it is also important that Mary's work be represented in a gallery.  Thus I have chosen a fine, established gallery to exhibit her work: Ventana Fine Art, 400 Canyon Road, Santa Fe, NM, 505 983 8815 ventanafineart.com Ventana always has wonderful body of work on view in the gallery.

I closed my bricks-and-mortar gallery in 2009, but have worked part-time at Ventana Fine Art for the last ten years. I enjoy it immensely. 

If you are visiting Santa Fe and would like to see the pieces that I have on my web site joycerobins.com in person, let me know and I can bring those into Ventana for viewing.  If you have any questions, please give me a call, 505 920-9307 or send me an email, joyce@joycerobins.com.

I would enjoy seeing you or hearing from you!  I miss my collectors of the past!